Fran's WebLog
Thursday, 18. July 2002
Genre2: A letter to the Editor

Letter to the editor of the local newspaper:

I think I am going to add this to my goodie pool by scanning it and making it a pdf file but the library is closed right now so I will go ahead and put the revised letter to the editor up and tomorrow I will get that done.

Redford Elementary School: In Need for a Change
By Deborah Hughes

Dear Editor:
I am a parent of three children and my youngest son who is seven has been diagnosed with a speech disorder since he was 3 . Having a child with a speech disorder has been a big change for my husband and me. He requires a lot more attention and help than my other kids. I am writing today because I am a concerned parent of a child who has a speech disorder and is the focus of constant belittlement and bullying at Redford Elementary School. Everyday when the bus arrives to pick my child up I have to pull him off my arms and send a screaming, upset child to school. My son absolutely hates school. Everyday there is always some story like how no one will play with him, or how they call him all kinds of names -dummy and weird- or tell him that they can’t understand him and they don’t like him. I know that because of the way he is treated by his fellow classmates that he often does not participate in class and is extremely quiet throughout the whole day. He is an intelligent person who just has a problem with his speech. This speech disorder by no means classifies him as mentally disabled and it does not automatically imply that he is stupid and different. People need to realize that my son is just like his fellow classmates. My son may just as well like to do the same things your children may like to do, such as playing sports, cub scouts, video games, etc. He never gets the chance to show people what he is really about before they start passing judgment on him. I think the way my son gets treated in class is unacceptable. I also think something should be done in class to help the other classmates understand that my child is no different than them. Teachers must start implementing programs in the classroom that will help my son and children like him receive equal treatment by their peers. I am unaware of what types of programs are out there to help prevent my child from getting treated unfairly by his peers. I am not a teacher nor do I work with children. I am a dental assistant who works for Dr. Parsely. I have been searching the web on what programs I think could help my child to stop getting picked on by his classmates. I found a program called Take A Stand that can be provided in the school system that would help prevent children from becoming bullied by others. This site can be located at I also found another site that is directed towards parents and provides them with information on what we can do for our children who iare the victim of bullying. I know that when my son first came home and told me how he was being treated I initially thought that this was a phase that kids go through and that it will go away in a week or two. However, this is not just a phase that kids go through and bullying is more serious than you may think. I found this website to explain how serious bullying can be. I think it is safe to say that not just kids with communication disorders get picked on. There are many children out there that get picked on if they are too skinny, overweight, or have acne, wear glasses or braces, or wear non-stylish clothes. The point is that I think it is necessary for teachers to start developing and using programs that will allow for people to not get put down and be bullied by others. I do not see why this change can not take place at Redford Elementary. This is because over the past couple of years Redford Elementary has changed many things about there school. They have incorporated Primary scheduling, they got a new cafeteria, came up with money to build a new playground, and they got tons of new school supplies. This school has really put in a lot of time and effort into improving the quality of the school. However, I think it is now time that Redford now change the social environments of the classrooms by having teachers work in ways in their teaching to help children perceive others as equal. I truly believe that no one has even given my son the time of day to even see if they like him. It is really depressing and it almost makes me cry every time I think about how my son gets treated. Parents just want what they think is best for their children and I really believe that the environmental setting of my son’s education needs to change.

A concerned Parent
Deborah Hughes

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July 2002
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