Fran's WebLog |
Monday, 12. August 2002
Interview of SLP and teacher: SLP: How is Johnny doing lately? SLP: One way to identify his strengths is an activity called Handicaps not Limiting. Here, you would bring in a speaker (adult) of someone who has a communication disorder. Let them give a speech, on how having a communication disorder does not interfere with their life and they were able to succeed and live a very productive life. After the speaker, have each student list their personal strengths. SLP: Another good activity to help Johnny build his self-esteem is s to build support groups in the classroom. A good activity for this would be Booster Boxes. Here, have your students decorate a shoebox and cut a slit in the box. Then each student will write a compliment about the child and put in the box. SLP: Now to help Johnny focus on the positive things about himself you can do an activity called Me Trees. First everyone needs to trace their own hand, and then take paper cut out leaves and paste them on the hand to make a tree. On each individual leaf have the students write positive characteristics about themselves on each leaf. SLP: Another activity is to help him build his self-esteem it to have him develop goals and objectives by an activity called Targeting. Here you have the students make a self-improvement contract. Here each student needs to choose a behavior that they would like to see either increase or decrease. Then have them set a goal and a reward for reaching the goal. Then they will observe this behavior for one week and record the results (when, why, & how often the behavior occurs) & daily progress of the results. They will continue to do this for several weeks and each week they will predict the progress of how they think they will do. SLP: I really think that if you do these activities with Johnny and his fellow classmates you will really begin to see a bit difference in the way that he sees himself and the way that the class views him. T; I really like the ideas of these activities. I really think these activities will increase Johnny’s self-esteem. Thank you so much for giving me such great suggestions. SLP: Just remember that if you need anymore help please come by and see me. T: Thank you so much.
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