Fran's WebLog
Tuesday, 13. August 2002
Week 10: It is all Over!!

Week 10: It’s All over!!
I can’t believe tomorrow at 12:00 will mark the end of Cd 315!! It does not feel like this is our last week. It seems like it was not too long ago that we were making our own blogs and now we are making the finishing touches to our MRP. It really seems unbelievable. Time has really flown by in this class. Anyways, this summer has been a very busy and productive summer. Before June 10, I did have 3 weeks of vacation which was just me relaxing and watching as much T.V. as I could. I hardly ever watch T.V. only in the summer when I am not doing much I become a couch potato and watch T.V. all day long and take 2-hour naps. Then June 10 creeped up on me and it was time to put my nose to the grind stone and start this class and CL 200(Building your English Vocab). Which I am glad to say that I was able to jungle 2 classes at one time. I was a little worried at first because I knew that this class would take up a lot of time. Even though they say that CL200 is an easy A there was a lot of busy work to do. So for the first 5 weeks it was really homework, homework, homework. Then the day after the 5th week ended I picked up a job working at a daycare but I work in the mornings to the mid-afternoon so I still had plenty of time to do my homework for this class. I am proud that I was able to finish all my work on time with taking 2 classes and a job. Also, I can’t believe that I actually was able to finish the work that was assigned to this class. Going into this class I had butterflies in my stomach. I was so terrified of this class. I really thought I would barely be getting by in this class. I am not very good with computers and even if I was not in this major I probably would put off the required computer class to the last semester before I graduate. To me, it seems that computers hate me and everything goes wrong when I don’t want it to. All the time my computer will shut off and my work won’t get saved, or the work that was saved won’t come on my disk etc. That is why going into this class I did not procrastinate in this class. I am not a procrastinator when it comes to schoolwork. I learned in high school that if you wait to the last minute everything and anything will and can go wrong. I tried to get my work done early just in case things would go wrong I would have time to fix them. I am glad to say that I did not really struggle to bad with the computer related assignments. I had some moments when I yelled at the computer but it was nothing major just me making typos. I think I struggled the most with the html codes and signing up for mailing lists because I would misspell words. For the majority of this class I was able to complete the work without too much computer related trouble. I have learned so much about this class. I think my computer skills have gotten better, I have learned a lot of information about the internet, I have learned how to properly research on the web, and also how to put together a MRP. I also have learned more about myself because we did a lot of current discussions assignments that caused us to think more about why we chose this major, what kind of family environment did we grow up in etc. When it came time to doing the research part I was able to put together writing pieces that I have not done before. I never had written a letter to the editor, done an interview, or put together a power point presentation, and done a webliography. So basically I had never done a lot of the genres that I picked for this project. I am proud that I was able to complete these genres. I do think of myself as being creative in some ways but this class has definitely tested my creativity. This project definitely has helped me to become more creative with my schoolwork. So maybe when I go back to school I will be more creative in class like I have been in this class. Anyways, in general this class really allows you to look at information in a whole new way. Overall I have really enjoyed this class.

1 Divide the work up in days. Don’t wait to do all the assignments at the last minute. Sometimes you may look at the assignments and think that it won’t take a long time to do and really it takes longer than you think. Sometimes the easy assignments may take the longest for you to do or cause you the most trouble to do.
2 Do all your work to word (or whatever program you have) and copy to word and then post it to your blog or yahoo groups. That way you won’t lose your work. Sometimes you may run into computer problems and when you press save it won’t work and if you don’t if you do not have a copy of your work you would have to start all over.
3 Some of the assignments require a lot of reading so you may want to print the pages out so you can read better.
4 When it comes time for research as soon as you think you can use an article off Ebsco and you can’t access from your computer go to the library as soon as you can to get this information. Sometimes they have to get the articles from other libraries or send it to you by the inter-library loan. It does not take to long but you want to go ahead and get it as quick as you can.

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